Takasago Hot Spring en Asahikawa

JapónTakasago Hot Spring


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8-chōme-1-235-1-5 Takasagodai, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-8061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-61-0227
sitio web: www.takasagoonsen.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.7597323, Longitude: 142.3192604

comentarios 5

  • Robin Eklund

    Robin Eklund


    A "Retro" style hot spring, complete with a Retro corner with Retro games on display as well as a Retro style Candy store, where you/kids can pick out Retro small pieces of candy.

  • Neil - The Backpack Adventures

    Neil - The Backpack Adventures


    Takasago Onsen is a nice onsen hotel in the outskirts of Asahikawa City. It offers a day trip bathing option so non-guests can try their amazing onsen facility. There is a spacious parking area in front of the hotel. Inside the hotel is a manga room and a kid’s play area. However, the facility is already old and it is evident. Aside from that the rest area is small and is closed after 3PM. I hope they extend it longer.

  • YUKA



    Dated hotel, quite smoky in areas... The facilities are quite old except for the newly renovated canteen area. Unfortunately the smoking area is right outside the onsen and therefore it reeks of smoke right into the changing areas... Shame because otherwise it is quite a nice/interesting onsen... Dog okay rooms available for an extra charge

  • Yili Chen

    Yili Chen


    Our family had a great time at Takasago Onsen Hotel, we stayed 2 nights during our Hokkaido trip. The room is clean (not so new) with lots of space, our kids enjoy the tatami room and public bath(at 1F) very much. The location is around 10 mins driving from Asahikawa JR station, but you should be able to find some supermarkets within 5 mins driving distance. I think we will stay here again.

  • Scooter Campbell

    Scooter Campbell


    Very interesting decor. Several different pools, including pools of different colours meant to resemble (I think) the Hells of Beppu, a sauna, and a quiet relaxation room. There's also a family bath in additional to the normal gender segregated pools, and there is a kids' swimming pool with a slide. Very cool find so close to the city.

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