Takanobyoinseiwa Ka Clinics i Nakagawa

JapanTakanobyoinseiwa Ka Clinics



🕗 åbningstider

2068 Batō, Nakagawa, Nasu District, Tochigi 324-0613, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 287-92-2520
internet side: www.tochigi-med.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.734067, Longitude: 140.160749

kommentar 5

  • 亀肩



    I had it before, but it got worse on the day I was told there was nothing more to do.

  • W,magnum



    Thank you for your help appreciate

  • 一休さん



    My entire family had their lives saved at Takano Hospital. I'm very grateful. My father still takes care of me. Both O-sensei and Waka-sensei are very nice people. It's the ideal town doctor.The young people at the reception are all very nice people, so I'm very grateful.Although there are some problems, it's a hospital that does its best. I'm thankful that my 98-year-old father is getting better, but I wonder if he's a nurse? Is it a nurse? I wish I could take more responsibility. I understand that it's hard work, but I think it's hard, hectic, and boring work. I want you to take responsibility. Trust is very important! ️It's a shame because the doctor is wonderful!! ️

  • nao morimoto

    nao morimoto


    The clerks who paid the bill told me they had forgotten. This response is unbelievable for a medical professional.

  • 小林賢一(sasami)



    My mother injured her arm, so I was looking for an orthopedic surgeon and came here. The doctor and nurse examined me well.

nærmeste Hospital

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