Supermarket TAIRAYA Mooka Aramachi en Moka

JapónSupermarket TAIRAYA Mooka Aramachi



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Japan, 〒321-4305 Tochigi, Moka, Aramachi, 3-chōme−46−4
contactos teléfono: +81 285-83-1177
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.445607, Longitude: 140.016599

comentarios 5

  • アーモンド!



    The overall impression is empty. The store is dimly lit and it's hard to see the products. I would be happy if you could light it up a little more. The store is large, but there are very few staff members, so even though there are only two cash registers open in the evening, I wish they would have more staff. My impression is that the freshness of the fish is not very good. Even if you forget to bring your own bag, the cardboard is piled up high, so you can feel safe even if you tell them to bring their own bag.There is also a recycling box for plastic bottles and other things outside the store.

  • 正美(丸コバ)



    Perhaps it was because it was the day after a holiday or because of the time of day, but when I stopped by around 2:30 p.m., the parking lot and the store weren't particularly crowded, so I was able to shop smoothly.

  • Robi 。

    Robi 。


    The freshness of the vegetables was terrible, and when I bought some garland chrysanthemums and tried to put them in the pot, half of them were rotten. The atmosphere of the store is dark and small.The atmosphere is so different from other Taira-ya.Why?

  • TCO (TCO)

    TCO (TCO)


    First of all, the first problem is that TAIRAYA and TAIRAYA are different shops. There is not much difference in the products and product lineups they carry, so if you go shopping with the same idea, you may find that some advertisements are different or that some services are only available at one location, so if you don't know that in advance, you'll definitely be confused. Although it is posted near the cash register and in advertisements, I noticed it when I was checking out, so I wish they would make it a little easier to understand. The atmosphere inside the store is clean and comfortable, and the side dishes and bento boxes are delicious, so I often come here. Personally, I recommend the loin cutlet bowl as it is voluminous and juicy.

  • Dappy Daizzy

    Dappy Daizzy


    The temperature of the refrigerated case containing beer and shochu high is high, and it doesn't get cold at all in the summer. It hasn't been improved in years. I buy beer at another store.

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