Super Matsumoto Rakunan in Kyoto

JapanSuper Matsumoto Rakunan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

19 Kisshōin Kannondōchō, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8348, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-682-2558
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9671811, Longitude: 135.7306942

kommentare 5

  • A A

    A A


    This place is spacious and has a good selection. The floor is shiny. There are many self-checkout stations and it's easy. The eat-in area is also spacious. Parking and bicycle parking are also available. However, the problem is that the toilet is on the second floor.

  • きよみん



    No matter how many times I eat the peaches here, I am always disappointed. It's so bad that I doubt the taste of the buyers. Cabbage smells like chemicals, so is Sukeroku sushi poisonous? It smelled so chemically that I threw up. I'm just using it because it's close to my house. I only use it to buy bread, seasonings, sweets, dairy products, etc., which rarely fail. Both meat and fish smell so bad that I can't help but wonder how the employees feel. On Monday's 10% discount day, the prices are intentionally set high, so I think this is a supermarket that takes advantage of the local residents.

  • プティリク



    240721 (Friday) The other day, I went to 100 Kan to buy a [Knife scissors] that I found while shopping. They said any knife would be fine, so I asked for 7 knives to try out, and a man who looked like an elderly craftsman sharpened them with a machine in the hot sun even though he had a tent. It seemed like there were quite a lot of regulars. Next time, I received a small flyer with August 15th at the same location. It seems that he is visiting Matsumoto's shops. NOZAWA Co., Ltd. has published its schedule on Twitter.

  • 見てチョンマゲ



    They have gold consomme chips and wasabi beef that Aeon doesn't have, so I use them sometimes. It was also great to be able to purchase Matsumoto's famous mackerel sushi and side dishes and have a casual lunch at the food court.

  • ประกาศิต วิไลลักษณ์

    ประกาศิต วิไลลักษณ์


    Many kind of food and good taste.

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