Izumiya Shopping Center Nagaoka in Nagaokakyo

JapanIzumiya Shopping Center Nagaoka



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-chōme-7-1 Kaiden, Nagaokakyo, Kyoto 617-0826, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-953-5801
webseite: www.izumiya.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9226155, Longitude: 135.6926722

kommentare 5

  • y t

    y t


    I don't think the selection is very good, and many of the items are more expensive than other supermarkets. There is an unfriendly lady working at the cash register, so if I see one, I try to go to another cash register even if it's crowded. It contains Cocokara Fine and Seria, so I use it occasionally. I'm glad that Misdo is in the food court.

  • Huy Vũ

    Huy Vũ


    12:35: The clerk who makes S point cards has a bad attitude and is a bad old lady. You can see it as soon as you enter here.

  • T T &

    T T &


    Close to Hankyu Nagaoka-Tenjin Station. I often go to Plaisir Cafe in the food court for coffee and lunch, and sometimes for cake. It's adjacent to the food court, but you can relax in the seats in the back where you won't be seen. The food court also has a play area for children, so I get the impression that mothers with children can enjoy the food at McDonald's and Mr. Donuts with peace of mind. Supermarkets aren't cheap, but they have a good selection. There is also a cultural space on the rooftop where children can take lessons. I think it's good to be able to finish shopping and your child's lessons at the same time. However, there aren't many types of lessons, and since it's on the rooftop, you have to go outside and then go to another building, so on rainy days...Minus 1 star😂 It's my personal favorite place, so I hope you do your best not to lose to the supermarkets around you! ✊✨nu

  • 田中幸一




  • Rohit Karki

    Rohit Karki


    Nice place

nächste Einkaufszentrum

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