Kansai Super in Takatsuki

JapanKansai Super



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-1 Miyadachō, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1142, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-696-8591
webseite: www.kansaisuper.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8384475, Longitude: 135.5860595

kommentare 5

  • 河田おっさん



    I entered the restroom at the same time as the staff member, but he left without washing his hands. Are you going to touch the food with those hands? That's impossible.

  • Vminimiezei



    Since we renovated and opened in March 2024, we have significantly more items and numbers than before. This made the aisle feel very narrow. I can't help it. . It feels like it has become a general supermarket.

  • 川崎登



    I heard that the Costco fair starts at 1pm. When I arrived at the store at 1:18pm, there was only bread left! ️Even though I'm empty everyday, people are getting excited, don't be silly!! ️

  • 賢二



    Wheelchairs are available for rent, and there are items that are easy to purchase. The store was wheelchair accessible and shopping was easy.

  • yori



    This is a new store that opened recently. It's clean and you can shop comfortably. You can pay at the register, fill your own bags, and then move to the bicycle parking lot while your shopping cart is still in the cart. You can also pay by card at the cash register. You can also receive discounts by using your wallet card. In addition to Kansai Supermarket, there is also Matsukiyo on the first floor of the building and EDION on the second floor. Since December 2016, we have created a corner where you can drink coffee for 100 yen. The cafe latte is also 100 yen, so it's cheaper than the convenience store, but the taste is inferior (lol).They have Hoshizaki equipment that is often used in restaurants, so I have high hopes for the future. *By the way, photography is prohibited inside the store.

nächste Supermarkt

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