Super Hotel Lohas JR Nara Eki i Nara

JapanSuper Hotel Lohas JR Nara Eki


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1-2 Sanjōhonmachi, Nara, 630-8122, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 742-27-9000
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Latitude: 34.6807012, Longitude: 135.8196107

kommentar 5

  • galapagos tetraspis

    galapagos tetraspis


    Stayed here for a day and I must say the view is gorgeous at room 802, amazing view over the town and city. The bedroom was quite big and we had 2 big beds and a fresh room They even have an Onsen that is open for most of the day for free Only thing that was odd was the bathroom entrance, can hurt yourself if you are not careful for the height maybe when you wake up hahah

  • Eason Lin

    Eason Lin


    The hotel provides excellent service. The staff kindly offered help to contact my next hotel to resolve some issue with my luggage, even though it is not part their job (luggage was sent from my last hotel). I felt very welcomed staying here. Great value with the welcome drink and hot spring, location is superb as well. Highly recommended!

  • Ryan Hesse

    Ryan Hesse


    Our stay at the Super Hotel Lohas JR Nara Eki left us wishing we had booked a longer visit. The service was exceptionally friendly and welcoming. The room was well-equipped with all amenities, and the extensive pillow selection was a pleasant surprise. They even provided cozy robes! Not to mention, the hotel's proximity to the train station made our travel plans incredibly convenient. It's a place we'd happily return to for an extended stay.

  • Ryan P

    Ryan P


    First of all, great location. It's just at the JR Nara Station. And the staff were so polite. The room were big and comes with a full queen sized bed. And the bathroom was decent sized, but I didn't get the chance to use it as there's a natural hotspring onsen in the hotel. All the amenities are at the lobby and free flow of coffee available all day. The only disappointment is the complimentary welcome bar is not available from 13 Dec till mid March/April. But still I had a great stay here. Room cleaning is available daily but if you do not need daily cleaning you still get fresh towel hang outside your door and get a free bottle of mineral water. The onsen was comfortable too

  • Tony Liao

    Tony Liao


    Super convenient, the hotel is connected to the train station. Hop off the train, head to the hotel to drop off your luggage and you are ready to go. Service quality is top notch, all the workers are very polite and go extra steps to make you feel welcomed. My room is a decent size for Japanese hotel standards. You can even pull up the little tatami under the bed to make a little extra bed. I love how you can literally shut off the window to black out the room. I am very sensitive to sound and light and I had the best sleep here when I was in Japan. Public bath is very comfortable and very relaxing. Love the free bar they offered. A great variety of alcohol was provided. A lot of people went down to the supermarket nearby and came up to enjoy the mini bar. Breakfast is decent and it is only 1000 yen. Food is delicious but close kind of early. Can walk to Nara park in 15 min or just ride the bus outside.

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