Guesthouse Nara Komachi i Nara

JapanGuesthouse Nara Komachi



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41-2 Surugamachi, Nara, 630-8357, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 742-87-0556
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6788968, Longitude: 135.8208739

kommentar 5

  • KiM BooN LeE

    KiM BooN LeE


    Guest house near Nara JR Station. 5min walk, easy roads even with luggage. The lady host is friendly n approachable, she help to self check-in for us n on the second day, we could even left our luggage there for half a day... The room have no key using just pins n "touch" everything were so high tech including the check-in, scan of passport... There's 2 of us with 2 single beds and private shower (most guest houses in Japan seem to have shared bathroom thou). The room may be small but everything is kept clean and well organized. They do provide a kitchen/ coffee/ microwave/ bike for rent etc etc... Totally highly recommended...

  • Miranda Black

    Miranda Black


    We loooooved this place and are definitely keeping it in mind if we visit Nara again. Great value for an adorable space, super comfortable bed, and a unique setup in the room. The staff was also really friendly and we were able to store our bags in the guesthouse before check-in on the day we arrived. Highly recommend!

  • John Dubois

    John Dubois


    Great central location for Nara station and short walk to Nara park. We were greeted by a very friendly lady, Noriko san, who speaks very good English and helped us check in. Rooms are excellent with a friendly communal area for cooking and chatting.

  • MoonLight !

    MoonLight !


    We stayed here for a week. They explained everything very well in English and the location was very close to the station, about 4 min. walk. It's also close to the Nara deer park, around 14 min walk through the main shopping streets. Overall we had a good time here.

  • Daniel Buhr

    Daniel Buhr


    Great place near Nara JR Station. 5min walk, easy roads even with luggage. The host was very kind, it’s self check-in but at both check-in and check-out, she came out to check on us to make sure everything was fine. There was 4 of us, we booked the room with 4 bunk beds and private shower. Yes, the room is small but everything is kept clean and well organized. Had no issues whatsoever, and would love to return back next time in Nara.

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