Sunny en Kikuchi




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Japan, 〒861-1331 Kumamoto, Kikuchi, Waifu, 北原609-1(夢空間
contactos teléfono: +81 968-25-0032
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9768168, Longitude: 130.8049026

comentarios 5

  • らま



    really like! The only sunny in the northern part of the prefecture. I'm commuting from out of town. Original products are the best. A bundle of sense. You can pay by barcode, and this is the best supermarket. I wonder if there will be more stores.

  • 参上束鬼



    Although it is an old model, there are wheelchairs available, and the aisles that wheelchairs can easily pass through were attractive.

  • のーん



    The old lady at the register who wears glasses has such a bad attitude that I think she should quit working in the customer service industry. However, the location is convenient and I often use it on my way home from work. There are also 100 yen stores and ATMs, so it's convenient. I am always grateful for your help! I'm so excited!

  • ぽぽ



    I don't even want to give it a star. When I made my inquiry, an old man came to the reception desk and didn't listen to me at all, just said what he wanted to say and left. I used to go shopping at Sunny, but I will never go there again. It's a shame as the shop has a bright atmosphere. I will never go again because of that person who will never go again. Why not get more education? I think people who behave in a bad manner at any age need guidance.

  • 彩花



    Sunny is easy to shop, has good quality, and has a wide variety of products. I like urban places. I want everything from groceries to daily necessities, alcohol, side dishes, and ingredients for sweets. Almost everything is available. At the vegetable corner, you can buy freshly harvested vegetables from Kyokushi Hotaru no Sato, Oita, and Kagoshima at low prices. I'm also happy to be able to buy things that I can't get at other supermarkets, such as thick-sliced ​​bonito, Uchibori Jozo's black vinegar, and 100% soba noodles! The number of stamps has also increased. There is always a lot of parking 🅿. For me, Sunny has been an indispensable store since it opened. I think Kikuchi would be lonely without Sunny. . . Five stars! 🌠

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