My Life Plus Yamaga en Yamaga

JapónMy Life Plus Yamaga



🕗 horarios

1027-1 Koga, Yamaga, Kumamoto 861-0533, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 968-44-3932
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.0084436, Longitude: 130.7123809

comentarios 5

  • king gabachon

    king gabachon


    I selected one that looked fresh and asked him to handle the fish for me. I took it to the back and immediately came back and said, ``Here you go!'' and brought me a pack that was obviously not as fresh. So, I selected the fish, took them to the back, and rearranged them. I understand that you want to get rid of it because it's old, but you'll lose credibility. I fried it, but it smelled so bad that I couldn't eat it, so I threw away more than half of it. The staff here is so annoying. From now on, I'll take it home and handle it myself. I studied it on YouTube, so it's easy. My trust in the staff at My Life Plus has dropped to zero. I wonder if that's what happens when I sometimes see fish brought in from the back and lined up during business hours. It was a satisfying event.

  • みちゃん



    The cheapest lunch box at Ueki! ! I saw it written and took a look ☺️ After 5 o'clock, the 250 yen 🍱 was discounted by 30%, and there seemed to be a wide variety of 🍱, so there were several types of bills (although most were sold out). I had a hamburger and a levanilla, so I bought it for 250 yen, which is a lot more than it looks 😲 And it's delicious 😋 It's fun just looking inside the store 👍️🐟️ I guess the fresh fish is lined up, and it feels like the large space is sold out. Next time, it's a store I'd like to check out earlier.

  • まつけん山鹿のまっちゃん



    The bento box is cheap at 270 yen including tax, and there are many varieties such as fried chicken, fish, hamburgers, grilled meat, and sweet and sour chicken. It's voluminous and the cost performance is great 😃

  • かいざわ“さく”ゆうこ。



    We have fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish. I am grateful that they also sell by weight. The price is cheap and I always end up buying too much 😝 It’s fun because there are bargains to be found🤗 I also bought some fresh cod milt 😋

  • Miya



    You can get fresh vegetables and fish. Closed on Sundays. They place a lot of emphasis on bento boxes, and if you go there in the morning, you'll find many different kinds of bento boxes for 250 yen.

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