Maruei Ueki en Kumamoto

JapónMaruei Ueki



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒861-0143 Kumamoto, Kita Ward, Uekimachi Daiwa, 32−13 田原坂ニュータウン
contactos teléfono: +81 96-273-5820
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8819952, Longitude: 130.671623

comentarios 5

  • KumamonTaroo



    The parking lot is across the street. You must cross at a traffic light, so be careful if you bring children. Fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, and fish are of good quality and cheap. Compared to Ikura and Yokoshima, the stores are smaller and the selection of products is smaller. Especially not many fish. But this new town has a valuable supermarket. Maruei is a friend of the common people as it is cheap and also gives you points. Please keep doing a good job!

  • yuichi murakami

    yuichi murakami


    They have a good selection of products, but it's inconvenient because you have to cross the street from the parking lot to the store.

  • 珈琲おじさん



    Locally-based and has everything you need

  • 延岡あずき



    Location-wise, it's hard to tell. There are some notable items in the store. Vegetables in particular are cheap, as they also have items made by farmers. I feel like I earned it. We have meat and fish that you can't find anywhere else. The response from the staff is also pretty good, personally.

  • 真也大塚



    The store was located in a residential area. I thought it was a small store from the outside. It was surprisingly spacious and had a good selection of items. Of all the Maruei stores I've been to, the cashier staff had the best customer service. The parking lot and store are across the street, so I thought it would be difficult to use on rainy days.

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