Sun Palace Hotel i Shizuoka

JapanSun Palace Hotel


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11-29 Minamichō, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8067, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-282-2277
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9696599, Longitude: 138.3901167

kommentar 5

  • C.N. Tan

    C.N. Tan


    Is near to Shizuoka station, surround lot of foods restaurant, the hotel breakfast is so nice and i like it much, good coffee btw.

  • Jasper Wijnhoven

    Jasper Wijnhoven


    The staff is very friendly, but it is weird that you need to drop of your key everytime you go out. The rooms are decent, but sadly the wifi is very slow.

  • Alex MnG

    Alex MnG


    For a two star hotel, this place really impressed me. The room is a bit small but efficient with a large bed that gave me a good night sleep. The bath tub is short but deep so it’s good for soaking after a long day of business. Very short walk from Shizuoka train station and lots of eating places nearby. Otherwise walk ~14mins north for lots of food options from major shopping precinct. Has 2 washing and two drier coin operated machines on 5th floor but drier is a bit weak and needed a long time (100yen for 30mins is not a good sign!) Great value otherwise and would definitely come back!

  • Yeremia (Jerry)

    Yeremia (Jerry)


    We're allowed to put our bike inside the hotel (lobby near front desk). Thank you for the warm hospitality, definitely will stay here again if I visit Shizuoka next time. 😊

  • Alfredo Di Stefano

    Alfredo Di Stefano


    Very strategic place in Shizuoka. Foods are tasteful. It has nice room and good sandals. Nice place to come with our family.

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