Shizuoka Grand Hotel Nakajimaya i Shizuoka

JapanShizuoka Grand Hotel Nakajimaya


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3-10 Kōyamachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0852, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-253-1151
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Latitude: 34.9731262, Longitude: 138.3850094

kommentar 5

  • Yeni Kartikasari

    Yeni Kartikasari


    Was nice front office guys

  • Kira Martin

    Kira Martin


    Extremely lacklustre bedrooms, wifi doesn’t work on the 8th floor and just drops out. No power sockets near my bed, and the rooms need a serious update. My current view out of my window is a shabby concrete wall. Value for money is good but nothing special.

  • Vita Wu

    Vita Wu


    Hotel location is really good and convenient, reception staff are very caring and friendly. Twin two beds room size is spacious, will definitely stay again if visit again. In addition, hotel has contacted parking just on aside, 500 yen per night, all staff are super helpful and nice. They prepared my car be ready when I told staff that I need to use car at 7:15am next morning (which they actually open at 7:30) I am really grateful. Thank you all.

  • N W

    N W


    Good hotel we used it for a seminar with a capacity of 60 people good business like atmosphere.

  • David Moberg

    David Moberg


    Clean, nice hotel. Old. Low ceiling. Wifi only on room floor (3 different ones?) The view from the window was non-existant (another building) but very cheap. Breakfast was really good and super cheap. (even cold milk :))

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