Sumire Dental Clinic i Kasuya

JapanSumire Dental Clinic



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2911-1 Nakabaru, Kasuya, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-2304, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-292-7734
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6144129, Longitude: 130.453062

kommentar 5

  • たった



    I called to make a reservation, but the person at the reception was talking to me. I want you to do something about it. I didn't feel like going.




    I've been going here for almost 10 years. The childcare service was really helpful to me when my children were small. Lately, it seems they only accept calls in the morning. It is difficult to get an appointment, and appointments are often made two weeks in advance, but it is still a dental clinic worth continuing to visit. If you make a reservation, the waiting time is almost zero, and you can read the closing time, which is helpful. I was referred to Kyushu University Hospital for the extraction of a wisdom tooth growing next to me, but I made an appointment at Sumire Dental Clinic for disinfection the day after the extraction and suture removal a week later, and everything went smoothly. Also, you can rest assured that we will not recommend expensive free medical treatment. My child, who has been going to the dentist since he was a baby, did not dislike the dentist, probably because of the gentle treatment. (He seems happy to be able to play Gashapon at checkout)

  • Eye Cat

    Eye Cat


    The doctor's treatment is very thorough and good, but if there is no pain, you may have to wait 1-2 weeks for an appointment. I think it is only suitable for people who can wait patiently and are flexible with their time.

  • ma ha

    ma ha


    I was not good at dentists and had left my tooth decayed for a long time, but I decided that this was no good and decided to come to the dentist. Although I am still undergoing treatment, I am truly glad that I found this dentist. Everyone, including the teachers, is very kind and polite. Even when cutting your teeth, we check your reactions every step of the way, so you can receive treatment with great peace of mind. No wonder it's fully booked. I recommend it with confidence 👌

  • mee suke

    mee suke


    It took two months for the implant to come off, so I went there without making an appointment to get some medication, but I was refused. Even if I had to wait, I didn't know how long it would take, so I replied, "If you have a reservation, I'll take it." The reception is kind, but the response is the worst.

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