Hakata Dental Clinic i Fukuoka

JapanHakata Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒812-0013 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Hakataekihigashi, 1-chōme−12−7 第13岡部ビル 6F
kontakter telefon: +81 92-414-6480
internet side: hakata-dental-cl.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5906936, Longitude: 130.4228916

kommentar 5

  • Yui



    All teachers are very close to you. We will also explain our future plans in an easy-to-understand manner, so you can feel at ease.

  • 西嶋太希



    It's right next to Hakata Station. We're open until late at night, so you won't have any problems coming after work. All the staff are so kind, so I would like to continue coming here.

  • MASA. Sibata

    MASA. Sibata


    The dental hygienist will do a thorough cleaning. Although he has a foreign accent. The posted information was in Chinese and English. It looks like a dental clinic for foreigners.

  • RY OI

    RY OI


    The Chinese (?) female teacher who can only speak Japanese is the worst. ・Start removing the tooth nerve without anesthesia. ・Then I was given anesthesia, but since there was no topical anesthesia, the anesthesia injection was extremely painful. ・As the procedure begins just a few seconds after the anesthesia injection, the anesthesia has not yet begun to take effect and you will experience severe pain. ・There is no break in the middle, so you can keep your mouth open for more than 30 minutes. I didn't think about the patients and the work felt very unpleasant. On the other hand, a Japanese male teacher We take breaks, we don't use too much force, and the explanations are easy to understand, so you can trust us with your treatment. P.S.: Please note that a treatment that should require only two visits to the hospital will be postponed to about five times. Office rents in Hakata are high, so I think this is a ploy to increase the cost per customer.

  • ni_na



    We performed comprehensive periodontal disease treatment and cavity treatment according to the treatment plan. First, I learned about the condition of my mouth and the details of the treatment, so I was able to prepare for the treatment and proceed with the treatment with peace of mind. The doctors, hygienists, and other staff members treated me with compassion and completed my treatment. I will try my best to brush my teeth in the future so that I can maintain the current condition.

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