Miyakuni Dental Clinic i Shime

JapanMiyakuni Dental Clinic



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7-chōme-7-26 Minamizato, Shime, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-2207, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-692-9939
internet side: miyakuni-dental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.6009282, Longitude: 130.465143

kommentar 5

  • ええ



    It's good to have an honest teacher. A truly patient-first dental clinic

  • 明日はどっちだ



    Anyway, those glasses the teacher was wearing? microscope? A magnifying glass? I was surprised. When I asked about it, I was told that since teeth do not regenerate, they only want to remove as much as possible, so they wear them for detailed examinations. After that, I feel better and I am grateful. Thank you very much✨

  • 順子浅田



    I had partial dentures made three times. At first I thought he was a soft-spoken teacher, but now he's had the worst dentures ever. It comes off when you put it on and talk. What I made this time is I left the house on my way home after paying the bill. I went back to the clinic 3 times. I was astonished and asked him to take care of me, but it was impossible. If it's about to come off If you ask me to hold my tongue, I won't be able to speak or eat food. coldly I just can't do it They don't even give me advice If you're going to spend the money to get dentures, don't be fooled by his soft demeanor, and if you're going to spend the money to get dentures made, it's better to have them looked at by a responsible doctor. The dental hygienists at the counter were all very nice people, so I was disappointed this time. Or a cup of gargling water? It smells musty. However, it was hard to understand because he spoke so fast, but he explained things well, and it was nice to hear the staff speak polite language. This treatment I'm sorry for your irresponsible attitude.

  • yk tuuum!

    yk tuuum!


    Nearly 15 years ago, when he was still working in the city, he told me that he had congenital enamel hypoplasia and that he would treat all patients over the age of 20! I couldn't make up my mind, so on my 21st birthday, I went to the nearest dentist where I lived at the time. All of my teeth except my wisdom teeth were made ceramic and it took a year! On my day off from work, I was almost there from morning until night...It was really hard, crying, but my teacher cried with me, stood by me, and always supported me. , I was able to persevere because I met the best teacher. I was able to go to this doctor's hospital once about 5 years ago, and he looked at me and talked with me about his memories. Since then, I've had three children, and it's too far away for me to go to a dentist, so I go to a dentist near where I live now, but every time I see one for the first time, I'm always asked, "Where did you get your treatment done?!", "Now, 15 years later, here I am. I have never seen a patient in such good condition,'' and I am proud of that. My life has changed thanks to you! thank you very much! I would like to visit you again once I have settled down with my child. !

  • まつもん



    He is a very kind teacher with a soft demeanor. I felt like I was building relationships of trust with the local people as I was interacting with other patients. No more treatment than necessary will be done in order to preserve the tooth for even a little longer. Even though I hate dentists, I was able to complete my treatment for the first time. You won't have to undergo unreasonably expensive treatment, and you can go to the clinic with peace of mind. Hygiene isn't as bad as others have said.

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