すまいる歯科医院 en Kochi




🕗 horarios

643-6 Niida, Kochi, 781-0112, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-847-1182
sitio web: smiledentalclinickochi.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5122411, Longitude: 133.5741548

comentarios 5

  • 宝


    I received treatment before, but even though the doctor's explanations were very thorough, the treatment was not efficient and I ended up in a lot of pain afterward. I was very surprised to find out later that the doctor was the director of the hospital. The hospital has good chemistry, and this is just my personal opinion, but I will never go there again. I thought there were many other good dentists out there.

  • 2021 AQUOS

    2021 AQUOS


    Previously, I was able to accompany a disabled relative to the examination room and observe the treatment up close. The utensils used are not reused, and the sterilized packaging is opened right in front of you, making it hygienic. When grinding your teeth, do you put a metal tube around your teeth to prevent them from breaking while you are grinding? It was reassuring to see that they covered it, reinforced it, and then shaved it off. Unfortunately, the assistant's technique was a little slow and it took some time.

  • M M

    M M


    I was able to receive treatment without any stress due to the courteous treatment.

  • Y M

    Y M


    Regarding Dr. T, he did not provide any explanation that was easy for the patient to understand. All explanations were given through a dental hygienist. Communication was inconvenient. During the treatment, the hygienist and doctors were talking, ignoring the patient. When talking about other patients, how do you feel about protecting privacy? 🧐

  • M N

    M N


    All the teachers and staff had a nice atmosphere, and my 3-year-old child was able to make his debut as a dentist with peace of mind. The hospital was bright and clean, didn't have that peculiar dentist smell, and didn't have a scary atmosphere. The child noticed a dentist version of Sylvania doll that had been secretly placed in the corner of the reception desk, and seemed happy. Everyone was used to working with children, and even the restless child was able to complete the dental checkup in a good mood. There was also a nice reward for the children who worked hard.

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