St.Marc Cafe in Iwata

JapanSt.Marc Cafe



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1200 Takamigaoka, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0801, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 538-59-0399
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7496871, Longitude: 137.8429488

kommentare 5

  • Grapes



    The customer service was the worst of the worst. Top of the worst. Thank you.

  • いちごっこ。



    I ordered a cafe latte without ice, and even though I said, ``The amount looks small, is that okay?'' and ``It's okay,'' when I tried to drink it, it was just plain iced. It was in a take-out paper bag, and I noticed it when I took it out to drink in the car, so I couldn't get it replaced. Either the cashier forgot to tell the person who made it, or the person who made it forgot even after asking, but the person at the cashier put it in a paper bag at the end and didn't notice. There were no other customers, there were only three staff members, and it looked like there was plenty of room, but I think it would be too inconsiderate to make a mistake. . . Should I have checked inside the paper bag instead of trusting him? Coffee diluted with was just a shame.

  • マリン



    Worst customer service. A female staff member stares at the outside from inside the store. The attitude of the cashier is also very bad. Can't you say thank you or yes? He's just trying to be bossy, and he talks too fast and has a low voice, so I don't understand anything. An old woman with brown hair. Looks like I'm getting a lot of complaints. I felt the worst.

  • happy



    I received the meat sauce doria. It was delicious - I don't like raw eggs - so it was good even without eggs. It might be a little small. It's an extra 100 yen with a drink, but I like coffee. Chocolate is delicious♪

  • t t

    t t


    Saint Marc Cafe is located in the food court of LaLaport Iwata store. I ordered the limited time salt and honey chocolate and chocolate. The salt honey chocolate was delicious, with a hint of salt added to the rich honey. Chocolate black was a classic and delicious.

nächste Cafe

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