Cafe Nakano Hamamatsu City, Sanarudai in Hamamatsu

JapanCafe Nakano Hamamatsu City, Sanarudai



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Japan, 〒432-8021 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chūō-ku, Sanarudai, 5-chōme−27−7 cafe NAKANO
kontakte telefon: +81 53-445-0655
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7110206, Longitude: 137.6981474

kommentare 5

  • Daris Alfafa

    Daris Alfafa


    Love the coffee!

  • YZR M2

    YZR M2


    A cafe where you can take out or eat inside. Although the entrance is small, the store is surprisingly deep and feels like an eel's bed. I'm looking forward to getting a feel for the personality of the owners of small shops like this. The bear goods here are cute. I took the opportunity to eat in. The quiche is extremely delicious! The whole pie is fluffy and has a nice egg flavor, and the pie crust has a crunchy edge, creating a fun contrast of textures. The pie crust has a strong buttery and rich flavor that is satisfying. There was no particular 90 minute limit as others have written.

  • にしけん



    The food looked and tasted great, especially the quiche. The message on the sweets plate for the anniversary plan was also cute and popular with my wife and daughter. Many people have written about customer service, but I was greeted with a smile and a pleasant atmosphere.

  • Mitie Reis

    Mitie Reis


    The berry tart is amazing, soy latte and it was also delicious and the staff very nice! Starting 14h you have to choose a set, so I hope to visit again to try other things.

  • 鈴木一



    There is a parking lot in front of the store for about 3 cars, but as other reviews have said, it is certainly small. However, it's not so bad that I can't stop. I used it for lunch. The quiche and tart dough are really delicious. The crunchy texture was very impressive.

nächste Cafe

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