Montaigne hamakita-ten i Hamamatsu

JapanMontaigne hamakita-ten



🕗 åbningstider

2317 Nishimisono, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-587-4737
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8072198, Longitude: 137.8052214

kommentar 5

  • MU GU

    MU GU


    I often went there to buy Taiwanese castella. There are certain days of the week when the cream puffs are cheap, so I go there with friends. There was no problem with customer service, and I personally gave it a perfect score.

  • ドライバー海



    I bought a cake I stopped by in the evening, so there were too many products. There wasn't. When I wanted a lot. Should I go early or order?

  • Y F

    Y F


    Personally, I like roll cakes. We sell rusks, cakes, etc. I think it's a very good store.

  • cury85 barermer

    cury85 barermer


    It was delicious anyway. Also, the size of the cake is large. Above all, the ``Hamamatsu Rusk'' was exquisite.

  • Akane Suzuki

    Akane Suzuki


    I ate "Nanzura Puff" for the first time. If you are wondering what "Nanzura" is...! Please try to eat by all means.

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