Starbucks Coffee - Saga Minami Bypass w Saga

JaponiaStarbucks Coffee - Saga Minami Bypass



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒840-0023 Saga, 本庄町袋Fukuro−306−6
kontakt telefon: +81 952-41-8515
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.2387417, Longitude: 130.2989558

komentarze 5

  • 元親ミッド



    First visit on May 2024. In Fukuoka, there are various major coffee shops, but in Saga there are no major coffee shops, so it is always full of customers. Additionally, since Saga University is nearby, there are many young customers. Therefore, in order to avoid congestion, many people use the drive-through, so much so that there are guards at the entrances and exits of the parking lot to direct traffic. As a business strategy, there is usually a tendency to avoid areas where there are no stores of the same type because opening a store involves risks, but Starbucks' expansion into Saga can be said to be a huge success. Although the parking lot is fairly spacious, there is traffic congestion on weekends and holidays due to the aforementioned drive-through, so please be careful when arriving by car. The inside of the store is still new and clean, but the blinds have a lot of dust, so it's hard to say that they are kept well-maintained. This is also difficult to clean, which is unique to blinds, so if you have to renovate in the future, it would be best to avoid blinds next time. As for the skill level of the staff, they are fairly quick to make, and the training at the headquarters is good enough to ensure that they are at a certain level, but although they are fast, they are a little rough and there is not much room for them. (For example, playfulness such as writing comments on the cup, etc.) So compared to other coffee shops such as Starbucks, I would say it's ``average'' with 3 stars. If a major coffee shop of the same type enters the Saga area in the future, the current situation is likely to change. In that case, the key to survival will be whether you can clearly differentiate yourself from other stores.

  • Jackie Jane

    Jackie Jane


    A very popular drive thru spots for the locals and Saga University students. Super busy most of the time but it’s still a nice place to chill. It’s also near fast food chain restaurants and shops.

  • Sungguk Lim

    Sungguk Lim


    Staffs are very kind. And coffee is good as usual

  • K a r L

    K a r L


    Well lit room. Good ambiance and lots of space especially for those hanging out by themselves. There are also large tables for a big group. This shop also has a drive thru which is very convenient for those that are in a hurry or doesnt want to get out of their cars. Staff is super polite as usual.

  • Fitri Yahaya

    Fitri Yahaya


    cozy place to enjoy coffee

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