Baby Face Planets Kurume w Kurume

JaponiaBaby Face Planets Kurume



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1941-4 Kokubumachi, Kurume, Fukuoka 839-0863, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 942-22-3911
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 33.2937994, Longitude: 130.5294214

komentarze 5

  • ćƒ©ćƒƒć‚­ćƒ¼



    I was very satisfied with the fact that desserts were half price with the set meal set, as well as all-you-can-drink drinks and soup! The food is delicious and the staff is very responsive! Also, even if your child makes a noise, it will not be a nuisance. I will definitely use this place again!

  • äŗŒå®®å……史



    It was Saturday and there was no lunch, so I had the pasta separatelyšŸ˜‹It was a spacious and stylish cafe conveniently located facing National Route 3. It was suitable for going with family.

  • 嘉子



    At my son's recommendation, my son and I visited for lunch. I chose loco moco style pilaf for the baby festival set. I also ordered chicken nanban and cheese flavored hash browns separately. Everything was delicious. But honestly, I asked too much. I wanted to try the mini parfait for dessert. Each chicken nanban is large and has plenty of tartar sauce. The chicken was also very juicy and delicious. In addition to the standard drinks, the drink bar had many interesting items such as white peach and acerola. I would like to try pasta next time. The garlic butter bucket was also hot and delicious with plenty of garlic. The potatoes in the photo are after I ate a few.

  • william richardson

    william richardson


    It was my wedding anniversary, I brought my wife and the stakes were high. I have had the pasta before at the omura location, but I found the set on the menu, starting with a plate of fresh harumaki ingredients, make it yourself. The set comes with two plates of pasta, and another choice, ours was pork short rib. Last, a small dessert. Lovely, perfect lunch. Thank you for the service. All for 4000円, you can bet I'll be back.

  • Jorge Letriro

    Jorge Letriro


    Friendly staff

najbliższy Restauracja

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