Starbucks Coffee - Abeno Hoop w Osaka

JaponiaStarbucks Coffee - Abeno Hoop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Hoop, 1-chōme-2-30 Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0052, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6626-2840
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6451968, Longitude: 135.5135254

komentarze 5

  • Sten Edwards

    Sten Edwards


    One of the smaller Starbucks I've visited in Japan but still with plenty of seats and a fast moving queue. They had sold out of the seasonal drink that day so I chose a simple iced tea and the orange custard tart. So tasty!

  • Geta Chada

    Geta Chada


    Very nice interior but the coffee(or at least the cappuccinos) aren’t consistent in anyway. One day you’ll get a nice cup followed by a few days of basically hot milk...You can tell as soon as you pick it up, it weighs twice as much. Also, managers PLEASE train your new staff to PUT A sleeve on a larger size HOT coffee! It’s bloody HOT!(it says so right on the sleeve!) Why do I have to ask for one more than half the time???

  • Sjonnie Campman

    Sjonnie Campman


    Oh wow such a nice! A place not too far a way from the famous Tennorji station. With a much variety of drinks this is a very much recommend for somebody that just wants to relax a little. I went for the hotter coffee and a pumpkin spice latter that is quite common in this area’s. Please enjoy!

  • Glen Norris

    Glen Norris


    The Starbucks shown at ground level in many of these photos from 2018 has moved to the second floor. In it's place is this Originated store.

  • Stephen Frost

    Stephen Frost


    Staff attitude is fairly poor. Nice enough location, order taken pleasantly. Server making the drinks took very little care in their preparation and practically threw them on the counter, far from attentive and far from courteous. Other locations are far better.

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