Planet3rd w Osaka




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒542-0086 Osaka, Chuo Ward, Nishishinsaibashi, 1-chōme−5−24 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6282-5277
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6726446, Longitude: 135.499655

komentarze 5

  • Matt Houtsma

    Matt Houtsma


    Staff was really kind. Had a beer late one night after walking around and price was fair and atmosphere was chill.

  • Olivia Tan 陳萩萌 ;)

    Olivia Tan 陳萩萌 ;)


    The coffee house is so near the shopping area! I think this has the best coffee latte in Japan! The taste of the coffee took us back to Italy where we always have Capuccinos along the streets of Rome! We came here 3 to 4 times. We left a shopping bag in our table one night, but they secured it and kept it safe until we came back for it the next day. We will definitely come back when we visit Osaka again.

  • κεηηγsκ



    Was staying at the opposite Hearton Hotel and they directed us to this cafe for our daily breakfast. Stayed in couple of hotels with cafe collaboration around Osaka and Tokyo and I must say this is one of the better buffet spread out there. Good variety of choices amongst the usual scramble eggs, sausages (not too salty), ham, pastries, noodles, miso soup, fried noodles, yogurt, fruit drinks, coffee and etc.

  • Globe Hop

    Globe Hop


    Great drinks, great food, great service! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to find a chill cafe with nice ambiance that doesn't mind if you sit and stay a while, crack a book open or socialize. I will definitely return! 5 stars!

  • Shayda Mollazadeh

    Shayda Mollazadeh


    The hot chocolate brownie is a must if you visit here. It's served with vanilla ice cream and lots of nuts. The atmosphere is relaxing and the staff are warm and welcoming.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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