Sonoka i Toyohashi




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27-1 Dōzakachō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8038, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 532-37-5051
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Latitude: 34.7488005, Longitude: 137.3789959

kommentar 5

  • ジャンダラリン



    This day is the last of Golden Week... I was forced to go to work, so I will only work in the morning and have lunch at a restaurant. I was surfing Instagram trying to figure out what to eat. I found a post by “Sonoka” here. I wanted to try the chilled Dandan noodles so I stopped by! The store is a little outside of Toyohashi's flourishing area. It is located next to a store, and the parking lot is shared with other stores. What you need to be careful about is Remember the parking lot number where you parked your car. I have to tell the staff. Did something go wrong in the past? When I arrived at the store around 12:30, there was a group waiting. I was let into the store 10 minutes later. There are table seats in addition to the counter. It seems okay to bring children. I didn't pay attention to the other menu items at the ticket machine. Order chilled dandan noodles and gyoza! The noodles that arrived have a beautiful visual appearance. A dish that would be a shame to ruin! Immediately remove the minced meat from the top. Mix it up! The noodles were cool and it started to get hot. Perfect for the day! With a smooth and chewy texture The soup has a soft sweetness With a gentle and refreshing spiciness Easy to eat with creamy taste Smoothly even when your appetite decreases Looks like you can get it! The gyoza has a crispy skin and texture. You can eat it lightly, so you can add it to ramen. You can enjoy it without being heavy! It seemed like there were still people waiting outside. I finished it quickly and left the restaurant quickly! As I was leaving, the owner greeted me with a smile! The dried sardine ramen is also recommended here. So I'll visit you again when I have time! Thank you for the meal! #Toyohashi Ramen #ToyohashiLunch #Toyohashi #Toyohashi Gourmet #Aichi Gourmet #Aichi Ramen

  • 山本健一



    Today I ate tonkotsu soy sauce ramen and gyoza at Menya Sonoka. It was delicious. The customer service from the store staff was also good.

  • kane sho

    kane sho


    Grilled dried sardines ramen (980 yen) There is a rice service for lunch. It's a spicy ramen with dried sardines, so I think it will suit those who like seafood ramen. The aroma and taste of the soup really brings out the goodness of dried sardines. I drank it all Delicious

  • Yuji Fujiki

    Yuji Fujiki


    It was delicious. The ramen itself was delicious, and I ordered the fried chicken set for 250 yen, and the fried chicken was delicious. You will be asked for the number you used for the parking issue. It goes without saying that you must follow the rules of the store. The staff are very energetic, and people who don't like them may feel like they're being overbearing, but if you look closely, you'll see that they're generally nice people.

  • 豊田じゃんぼ



    When I lived near the restaurant, I used to eat ramen about three times a week, and I loved it. I like the limited-edition ramen that comes out regularly, and I often ask if I can't afford it and have it reserved for me. When I didn't have limited edition ramen, I ate spicy miso. Whenever I go to Aichi, I always show up. (´ω`っ) The general is friendly and quite a nice person.

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