Sofuren Nakatsuten i Nakatsu

JapanSofuren Nakatsuten



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2-chōme-1-4 Chūōmachi, Nakatsu, Oita 871-0024, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 979-64-6563
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Latitude: 33.5890032, Longitude: 131.1874816

kommentar 5

  • 16ニャッキ



    . “Soubu Koi Nakatsu store” #2-1-4 Chuocho, Nakatsu City If you are a citizen of Oita Prefecture, you know that Citizens of Fukuoka Prefecture know that The birthplace of Hita Yakisoba "Sofu love" The main store was founded in 1955. It has a history of over 65 years. We have 43 stores mainly in Kyushu. is expanding its influence The characteristics of Hita Yakisoba are Above all, the aroma and texture Stir-fry diced pork on a griddle Brings out the fat and flavor Drain the boiled noodles and place them on a griddle. I will make sure the grill marks are well-cooked. Add bean sprouts and green onions Don't stir-fry with a spatula, just bake. Once the secret sauce is applied, use a spatula Lift it up high and shake it down repeatedly Finishes with crispy fried noodles The sauce was light and not too heavy. Texture and crispy thin noodles Once you try it, you might be hooked! Everyone please Please try eating it! Thank you for the meal (^^). Beautiful photos and videos on Instagram Please search for k.t.r.from_fukuoka.

  • Naoki Miura

    Naoki Miura


    Noodle is very nice but a little bit expensive.

  • ゼのさん。



    It was delicious. I went to Hita Sohonten twice and the third time I went to the local branch. The set menu is a little different from the main store. I also think there wasn't a lot of dim sum, and there weren't any variations such as vegetables. but, Perhaps because there were not many customers, I felt that the customer service was very polite. The yakisoba noodles were crispy and on par with the main store, and I think it was just as delicious. Regarding the price, ``Hita Yakisoba is like that. I already have that feeling, so I didn't think it was particularly expensive. Focus on meat, focus on vegetables Hita yakisoba originates from Koi Sobu, who is particular about the cooking method. Of course the ones at the main store are delicious, but I thought Nakatsu would be fine with this quality♪

  • OMA



    The normal Yaki Soba was about ¥900, a little bit high but worth it: crunchy, still hot on the pan, very tasty and full of bean sprouts. Would love to be back again

  • Tashma Goulbourne

    Tashma Goulbourne


    Went there with my bf it was nice. Service was good.

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