McDonald's i Kanda




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170-1 Futazaki, Kanda, Miyako District, Fukuoka 800-0322, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 930-24-0210
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.7466544, Longitude: 130.9808392

kommentar 5

  • Y4646AB



    We are open 24 hours. It's the R10 main road, so it's very convenient for us users. There is a drive-thru. This time we ate inside. Also, it's about driving through the drive-through on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. There are so many lines that form on public roads. This is a very popular drive-thru.

  • つかたのし



    I was really surprised by the lack of customer service from the store staff. When I placed my mobile order and went to the drive-thru, they said, "We don't have that number." I was asked, ``Could you please come inside?'' so I stopped the car, went to the counter, and explained that it was true that the store didn't have it on their record. However, I had already received an email from McDonald's confirming that my order and payment had been completed, so I thought to myself, ``Well, I can't help it,'' but then the clerk said, ``If that's the case, I'd like to cancel the order and go inside the store.'' It would be faster to order, please wait a moment." After that, I waited for several minutes in a deserted store, which seemed busy and no one seemed to be able to help me, so I left in a generally unpleasant mood. No, what's the priority? ? ? ? ? I've ordered it a long time ago, so I'll listen to the details first and prepare it now.I'll take a little time, but is that okay? ? ? ? I think it's a store where there are a lot of new employees or the level of educators is low. As long as you can eat the product, that's fine, so I don't usually expect too polite a response, but I have to say that the level of response to irregularities like this is poor and lacks an apology. . As mentioned in other people's reviews, there are some cases where the package contains something different from what was ordered, or in my case, I forgot to give the drink when I received it. When you stop by the Yukuhashi store, we recommend that you check to make sure that what you received and what you ordered are correct.

  • wahyu drespect

    wahyu drespect


    very comfortable to hang out with family, friends and co-workers. the menu choices are also varied,

  • Nam Ngọc

    Nam Ngọc


    Big mac is not bad and come at a quite cheap price. The taste is so so, not that bad, but not that good either.

  • Zachary Latoski

    Zachary Latoski


    Japanese McDonald’s is the best!

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