CoCo Ichibanya i Oita

JapanCoCo Ichibanya



🕗 åbningstider

4806-1 Nakahetsugi, Oita, 879-7761, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 97-597-7950
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.142847, Longitude: 131.657645

kommentar 5

  • Hazime Kobayashi

    Hazime Kobayashi


    I can hear someone who seems to be in charge of the kitchen scolding a young child in a loud voice. There are no workplaces like this these days. The atmosphere is the worst

  • 桜庭心



    Ordering via touch panel Since I'm not used to it, I called the clerk and ordered. When eating in the store and ordering for takeout, it seems like you can't use the touch panel, so I had to call the staff again to order, but they were kind and helpful.

  • ケケケの毛太郎



    I don't know how to order I make a lot of choices, but when I get carried away, it becomes a big deal. If you are particular about spiciness, quantity, and toppings, it will be amazing. Next time, no toppings, just a regular roux Honestly, it's a store you wouldn't go to alone.

  • maco s

    maco s


    ▪️What I asked for Handmade chicken cutlet curry 1046 yen tax included ・Spiciness: 1 spiciness CoCo Ichi is average but spicy, so I like this ・Rice 400g Caesar salad🥗 +140 yen Total: 1358 yen including tax ▪️Time until it comes out Long, more than 10 minutes Maybe because it was handmade ▪️Curry It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be Did it become sweeter? It wasn't spicy enough, so I adjusted it with the spices available at the table. ▪️Chicken cutlet thick and soft It didn't taste much I'm losing to curry There is a special sauce, but there was nothing special about it. The taste of the chicken cutlet itself is subtle. ▪️Salad The croutons are crunchy and delicious. ▪️Others ・Parking lot can accommodate 20 cars Shared with Family Mart and GEO on the premises ・There was a fan on the counter, and I thought he wouldn't use it, but he helped me out.

  • まあくん



    I ate curry udon, which there are only two restaurants in Oita. It was worth the time. I hope other stores do this as well.

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