SMBC Kanayama Branch w Nagoya

JaponiaSMBC Kanayama Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-18-24 Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0003, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-043-195
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1686166, Longitude: 136.8991624

komentarze 5

  • Roy Suzuki

    Roy Suzuki


    The Kanayama branch was integrated into the Sakae branch in May 2023, and as of June 2024, there are no previous stores. When I went to Kanayama a few days ago, it was gone. I was surprised. Mitsubishi UFJ Bank's Tsurumai branch was also integrated and no longer has a branch. Landmarks are changing as megabanks consolidate their branches.

  • 江口裕里奈(ゆりな)



    As others have written, the receptionist was amazing lol I went there right before I changed jobs because I wanted to make a paper passbook, but no matter how much I refused, they kept pushing Olive forward forever, and even though I went right when the store opened in the morning and there were no other customers, they said ``reservation''. (The person at the counter was waiting for me while I was filling out the paperwork and called me as soon as I finished, so I had to wait at least an hour because there were a lot of customers.) (Not only did I have to wait for no time at all, but I was the one who kept them waiting.), and in the end, when I was writing documents, they came all the way to say things like, ``Maybe you should go home once.'' It really conveyed to me that I really wanted him to come back. I wonder if no one in the company or in the store pays attention to the receptionist Mr. M's response, even though he gets so many low reviews. I think that's also the case. It's a shame because the person at the counter was very helpful. There are so many low ratings for this person, and the fact that he treats everyone like this all the time means he's not suited for this job, or he's stressed out at work, or he hates the workplace so much that he's deliberately given a low rating. I can only imagine that you are doing something like this, so I feel like it would be better to go to work other than reception at least once. I really don't want to give even 1 star.

  • 丁雨晴



    The woman at the reception had a really bad attitude and seemed bossy, which made me really angry! ! It was quite difficult, and even though I came from Okinawa, they couldn't accommodate me at all, so I was forced to return home without being able to complete the formalities!

  • ウィヴェル



    There are 3 ATM machines, 3 machines side by side. If there is nothing on the far right, could you have spaced it out and installed it? That's what it feels like. And since there are only 3 ATMs, there were huge lines depending on the time of day, which is too inconvenient. There were some people who did it multiple times, so I had to get someone to stand up and do it the right number of times, otherwise I wouldn't be able to operate it no matter how long it took. They had introduced a machine that only filled in their bankbooks, but the number of people who came just to fill in their bankbooks was far fewer, so wouldn't it have been better to use an ATM instead? ? That's what I thought. Furthermore, depending on the time of day, you may not be able to create a new passbook, so it seems pointless.

  • MR_B763



    The receptionist made too many mistakes and the response time was so poor that it took 20 minutes instead of 5 minutes. I was on the verge of exploding in anger, especially when someone made a meaningless comment like, ``Isn't it better in front of Nagoya Station?'' Well, the person who handled the account procedures gave an easy-to-understand explanation and the work was quick and complete, so I'm going to raise my rating a little higher.

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