Fukuoka Bank Nagoya Branch w Nagoya

JaponiaFukuoka Bank Nagoya Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-5-13 Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0003, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 52-231-6231
strona internetowej: www.fukuokabank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.171459, Longitude: 136.896655

komentarze 5

  • つっちぃつちのこ



    I looked it up online and it said they were accepting applications even on holidays, so I went to the Fukubank (until 3pm)... The entrance was locked, and there was a sign pointing to the back door. When I went to the back door, the manager fell asleep... When I knocked on the small window, there was no response (sweat) Even when I knocked on the door, there was no sign of him waking up, so I excused myself and opened the door a little, and I talked to him, and he finally woke up. He was sitting there, not even turning to look at me, and was answering and answering...and his voice was so low that it was hard to hear what was being said. In the end...I was told that I couldn't use the ATM. Are you awake? My eyes were wide open and I was so scared...I just went home (crying). I guess you can only use the ATM here on weekdays...? ? I won't go here anymore...

  • K C

    K C


    It was a polite response. There are many parking lots nearby, so it's convenient.

  • 福岡いちご



    I found the sign outside, but I couldn't find the entrance, so I wandered around 💧 I went to the building next to the 7-Eleven. Inside the office building, I thought to myself, ``I don't understand this.'' It was on the 2nd floor instead of the 3rd floor. There is one counter. Since no one was there, the work was completed quickly. There is also one ATM. It doesn't look like a bank at all. The woman at the counter was a kind woman with a smile.

  • Akira Yamamura

    Akira Yamamura


    I thought the bank store was on the first floor, but it was difficult to find it.

  • Izumi Furutani

    Izumi Furutani


    I used it often when I stayed in Nagoya. It's on the 3rd floor of the building. There is a large 711 on the first floor of the same building, so use that as a landmark.

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