Singapore Shokudo en Shibata

JapónSingapore Shokudo



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3-chōme-2-1 Chūōchō, Shibata, Niigata 957-0053, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 254-22-3725
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9472904, Longitude: 139.3273738

comentarios 5

  • 銭祐



    Niigata is proud of its mysterious national cuisine #2. Part 1 is, of course, Mikazuki's Italian restaurant. The Singapore restaurant's specialty is a noodle dish called "Ocha Hoi." It seems to be an imitation of street food in Southeast Asia, but I don't think there is actually a dish called Ocha Hoi in Singapore. In that sense, it's a mystery nationality dish. Ochahoi is a type of flat noodle similar to kishimen stir-fried with cabbage, bean sprouts, mustard greens, and eggs. The noodles were strangely chewy and had a really good texture. The texture suggests that the noodles are probably steamed during the noodle making process. The noodles are seasoned with strong garlic and chili pepper. The rest is salt, umami seasoning, gara soup, and something like pork extract...I don't think that's enough, but it whets the appetite. This is a very delicious B-class gourmet dish. Ochahoi comes with soup. Soy sauce based gala soup. Ginger is effective here. It will come out piping hot. The restaurant is a Chinese restaurant in town and feels quite old. Payment is cash only. By the way, occhahoi seems to be exchanged in the shop as ``dish'' and ``soup.'' On the day I visited, only "plates" were served. A large serving costs 1000 yen. When I visited, I thought it was very crowded, but when I looked it up later, it seems that since the name of this dish came up on Uma Musume, there has been a buzz among Uma Musume nerds. So, it seems like there will be a long line for a while during lunchtime on weekends. Payment is cash only. There is no parking lot, so please park at a nearby coin parking lot and come on foot.

  • ラインジムニー乗りお天気お兄さん



    This is the only restaurant in Japan that sells occhahoi. (I used to be able to eat at a restaurant in Tokyo, but I don't anymore) You can also order takeout or sit down to eat. Normally, we have a menu of toppings, but due to the current hot topic of movies, we only have normal toppings on both weekdays and holidays. We have two people working in the kitchen and serving food, but I think the speed at which food comes out is fast. The chewy texture of the kishimen and the strong garlic and chili pepper flavor will increase your appetite. By the way, there is a free parking space directly across the street, but it fills up quickly, so please use the nearby paid parking lot. Please do not park on the street as the road is narrow.

  • 日高憲章(のりくん)



    There's one person making the food and one person serving the customers, so the store isn't running at all.I think that was fine until I became famous for Uma Musume. Visited the store almost as soon as it opened (Sunday) Already full (I was allowed to share a seat) Maybe it's because we're sharing a table, but no matter how long I wait, I don't get any orders, so I'll order from here. Ordered many times During that time, water was brought to me three times. (lol) From opening to finishing eating and leaving the store It took 1 hour and 15 minutes. During that time, and even after leaving the store, there was a huge line in front of the store. Even though it was Sunday around here, 90% of the stores were closed. Typical shutter shopping street Inside, there was a strange atmosphere. I wanted to avoid Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays if possible, but since I was traveling and not in my hometown. It's Sunday now. If you come on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, please be prepared. The most important thing was the occhahoi, which was delicious. Since I live in Kyushu, there may not be another one, but if you come to Niigata, give it a try.

  • Ryu i

    Ryu i


    I've been curious about it for a while, and I was finally able to visit it. I'm curious about the name Singapore Shokudo, but I'm even more curious about the mysterious menu called Occha Hoi. When I looked into it, I found out that it can only be eaten at this restaurant in Japan.It's a yakisoba-like dish made of flat noodles like kishimen stir-fried with eggs and vegetables. (There was even a website that introduced it as a local dish of Niigata.) I topped it with shrimp. It seems that there is also a soup occhahoi. When I tried it, it tasted like Japanese style? It had an almost exotic taste, and I devoured it easily. It was so delicious that I want to try the soup ochahoi next time, and I think it would be better to make it the same... It was a fun and delicious restaurant. Thank you for the meal! !

  • こげみ



    🌞 Daytime use on holidays Full of customers, 1 seat left 💴 Approximately 1,000~ per person 🍴 ✔︎Sara Ochahoi Standard plate occhahoi An indescribable deliciousness that is somewhere between yakisoba and yaki udon. This is the perfect side dish for rice! It becomes habit A special sauce for the dish is also available, but I personally prefer eating it as is. ✔︎Soup Occhahoi Ochahoi soup with lots of vegetables In terms of the deliciousness of the noodles, the dish definitely wins. It's a matter of taste, so this is delicious. ❤️ Restaurant response △ There was a mistake in ordering the plate and soup, and there was no apology. Store cleanliness◯ Same as a general public restaurant 👛 Cash only 🅿️ none Please use nearby coin parking.

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