Yahiko en 新潟市




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Japan, 〒951-8053 新潟県新潟市中央区川端町6丁目53
contactos teléfono: +81 25-224-6130
sitio web: www.okura-niigata.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9198561, Longitude: 139.0510225

comentarios 5

  • 理恵子



    I had the Matsutake Mushroom Kama Gozen, which I look forward to every year. The hospitality of the hotel staff is even better, and the food is delicious. The matsutake mushrooms steamed in a clay pot and matsutake rice cooked in a pot were exceptional. Although the menu has become smaller, I don't think the taste has changed at all. The atmosphere is calm and the food is served in a timely manner without making you wait. I would like to continue having Matsutake Kama Gozen here every year. If you are concerned about the time required for the rice to be cooked in a pot, please call us before you arrive so that you can have the rice steamed for you without having to wait, so you can enjoy your meal more quickly and deliciously. Advance reservations are recommended.

  • Rei



    The tempura and Hikozen were delicious.

  • 吉楽絵里



    To commemorate our 30th wedding anniversary, my husband and I had Japanese food for the first time in a while. Up until now, I've always liked rich cuisine, so I didn't go to Japanese restaurants very often...but I decided to change my tastes and try Japanese food once in a while, so I decided to ask Mr. Yahiko. . I ordered the Wappa Meshi Gozen, which you can choose from, starting with the ``Kuchitori'', which comes in eight cute bite-sized bites, followed by an assortment of fresh sashimi and a bowl of steamed egg custard. There are three types of wappa rice to choose from, but my husband had the seafood (crab, scallop, shrimp, black-throated) wappa rice, and I had the eel wappa rice. The flavor of both ingredients really soaks into the rice...it's the best! ! Miso soup is of course included, and a delicious dessert at the end! It comes with one drink, fills you up, and is very reasonably priced! The atmosphere of the restaurant is calm, and the beautiful staff in Japanese clothes serve customers politely... Both my husband and I were very satisfied with the food served by Washoku Yahiko! It was a really good anniversary. I would definitely like to visit you again.

  • Yuki AIDA

    Yuki AIDA


    I visited here because the tempura was delicious. After that, I used it several times, but each time I had some questions, so I gave the above evaluation. The staff's attitude is not good. Even though I wanted to go home with a full stomach and a good mood, there was no friendliness at the time of checkout. Moreover, he is probably the best in the hole. All's well that ends well, but everything is ruined. I was very obviously guided to the last seat (?). I'd like to complain about the location, but maybe it's because we were two young people? I was shown to a small seat. When we ordered a lot, we were asked to move seats, and I thought, ``Perhaps the staff thought we were people who didn't ask too much.'' Still, my stomach was full, I felt good, and I had the above attitude. My mood became negative. The staff's attentiveness is lacking. I think the seat in the corner to the left from the entrance is where glasses and other things are placed behind it, but the whole time I was eating, it was making a lot of noise...it was annoying. I had intended to use it to entertain a loved one. I thought I chose this place because I thought it would be a solid Japanese restaurant in Okura, but I made a mistake and had to start over. I've never had the same experience at Tokabayashi across the street or Starlight above, so I think it's a problem unique to this area.

  • ニカツヤフメユキカムユ



    I ordered tempura soba for 2,500 yen. To be honest, soba is average. As for the tempura, it was below average. It didn't matter how many tempura ingredients there were, I wondered why it was so expensive. Specifically, the pumpkin tempura had hardened powder, and the pumpkin had no sweetness or flavor, and was watery. The maitake mushrooms also had a dead flavor and the fish didn't taste good either. The shrimp were not plump either. The tea and sorbet were also pretty good for this price, and I couldn't believe I was eating at Hotel Okura. I wonder if this kind of shop has anything to do with Hotel Okura? I thought it would be better to have a restaurant that was more in line with the level of a hotel. Well, all the clerks were kind and polite. However, I don't have to eat at this restaurant anymore. Next time I eat at Hotel Okura, I think I'll try the buffet.

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