Silk Hotel en Ichinomiya

JapónSilk Hotel


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2-chōme-5-32 Shinsei, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0912, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 586-43-6611
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Latitude: 35.3007429, Longitude: 136.7949591

comentarios 5

  • Koichi Sakashita

    Koichi Sakashita


    Conveniently located, 5 minutes walk from Owari-Ichinomiya Station, halfway between Nagoya and Gifu. It is an elegant building with an early Heisei atmosphere, and the guest rooms are spacious. The unit bath seems small at present, but it is sufficient for a single room. The price was also reasonable.

  • R H

    R H


    Anyway, the room is small. The carpet is full of stains. And the unit bath is completely used for showering, so it's not so big that you'll get tired of sitting in the bathtub. Moreover, the cleaning is not done well and it is dirty. The air conditioner has faded letters so I can't figure out the settings, and it's extremely noisy. I stayed for 3 nights and 4 days, but G appeared in the room from the first day. You can have breakfast for 600 yen, but it starts at 7am, so you won't be able to make it in time for work. No repeats.




    It's inconvenient, but I think it's enough for just sleeping. It's convenient because it's close to the station, it's quiet, there's a convenience store nearby, and you can use it at a reasonable rate. Honestly, it would have been nice if there were hangers in the bathroom.

  • 風来坊嵐



    It's better to stop. Since it's close to the station, there's a Route Inn and AB nearby, so the prices are a little cheaper, but the facilities are old. The fact that it's not a shower toilet turns a blind eye, and there isn't even a towel rack inside the unit bath. The only amenity is a toothbrush. The slippers are made of vinyl rather than disposable. However, for some reason, a small IH is attached. Where are you spending your money? I was warned that the wake-up call was broken and didn't work. I don't know if it will ever be fixed. What kind of old hotel requires you to leave your key with you when you go out? The man at the front desk speaks so fast that it's hard to understand what he's saying, and it's probably because he's a family business that he argues with the staff behind the scenes. I've seen a scene like this before. Within six months of staying there, it closed. Therefore, there is no need to replace the equipment even though it is new.

  • 89 medium

    89 medium


    Used on business trips. It's close to the station and not on a main street, so it's quiet. Customer service is at the bottom. The size of the room is perfect, but it's quite old. The bed sheets are old and the bathroom is dirty. As mentioned in other people's comments, I wonder what the price is like. Above all, it's not cool to have only one outlet in a room these days. I can't charge my PC and phone at the same time. I only use it for work, but since I use both my PC and cell phone frequently for work, I probably won't use it again.

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