Sancoinn Nagoya Shinkansenguchi en Nagoya

JapónSancoinn Nagoya Shinkansenguchi


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7-23 Tsubakichō, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0015, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-453-3511
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Latitude: 35.169814, Longitude: 136.879765

comentarios 5

  • elle elle

    elle elle


    the staff in the lobby is friendly. all i can say is we have a good stay in this hotel.the most important is they have washlet toilet

  • Cup P

    Cup P


    This hotel is very near to Nagoya Station. Also Big Camera and Seria is just besides it. The room is always clean. The room is small for two person. We have a lot of luggages and its hard to walked near the toilet because of that. But over all its ok

  • Jade Symons

    Jade Symons


    For a budget business-style hotel, this was absolutely fantastic. The only nod to the low-cost ethos we could see was that free toiletries were available to choose from in the lobby rather than in your room. The rooms were comfortable, clean, and well-furnished, and the complimentary breakfast was delicious (try the curry rice!). The location was excellent as well, just over from the main station.

  • Jocelyn Au

    Jocelyn Au


    Very convenient located, just across the street after getring out from train station. Room is small but provide all you can take away amenities from the lobby including bath sponge, caps, toothbrush etc. I'll definitely rebook it for stay when visit Nagoya again.

  • Yen Pitchayen

    Yen Pitchayen


    I really like the self service system in amenities and check out. You don't need to rely on staff and it really quick. Many people misunderstand with another quite similar hotel name opposite with JR station. The room are small but it's Japanese standard anyway. Compare to the location is very convenient.

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