Toyoko INN Marunouchi Nagoya en Nagoya

JapónToyoko INN Marunouchi Nagoya


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1-chōme-4-20 Marunouchi, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-223-1045
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Latitude: 35.1764659, Longitude: 136.8957375

comentarios 5

  • Yobe Trace (YOBE COSPLAY)

    Yobe Trace (YOBE COSPLAY)


    Toyoko Inn Hotel is absolutely valued for money. I love their Japanese breakfast so much and it's motivated me to wake up earlier each morning just to catch up with the meal. Their location is around 15 to 20 minutes from the main train station. (I just realised the hotel do provide free shuttle service lol) There's a franchise restaurant next to it which make it easier for us to grab a quick and relax dinner after a long day. Staff were all very helpful with all our questions and problems. Even their kitchen ladies were very friendly and greet us every time we met and to make sure we have a pleasant experience with their meal. They provided lots of amenities we need during the stay in compared to other hotel (e.g. skincare packs) Very appreciated. The only down side were the internet and their bathroom facilities may need a little upgrade.

  • Boobalan Thangavelu

    Boobalan Thangavelu


    Very nice upscale hotel.. All amenities existing in small space single room as well

  • R U

    R U


    We used a free transfer from the station to hotel and back! Great! The “stop” is a little bit a secret, but we managed to get in. Spend maybe 20 minutes walking to the castle park, dinner in the corner restaurant for 600-1100 yen(Katsuya). The room was good, the breakfast a little bit smaller choice than in others, but still can be different if you eat slowly as new food is coming continuously, but if you like smth - take it when you see it otherwise you might not get it. If you are bigger than Japaneese, you can ask for bigger night gown.

  • Sabina Leoncini

    Sabina Leoncini


    The hotel has quite small rooms but a lot of facilities that makes it great for travellers! There is a free shuttle to the station, a very nice breakfast with lunch boxes so you can take away your lunch. Free water and ice cubes, free shampoo, soap and even conditioner in a dispenser so more sustainable. There is a really cheap laundry service. Although Nagoya is quite a boring city ( great base to go to Legoland and to visit the Nagoya Castle but that's it) this hotel is a paradise for backpackers that try to find nice accommodation with a competitive price. The position is also good, close to the center and main station. There are many restaurants just in front of the hotel. Funny to see, when you are on holiday, business man having rise and soup for breakfast.

  • Theron Muller

    Theron Muller


    Nice fully equipped hotel. The rooms are small but serviceable. Their free breakfast isn't special but has enough for a morning meal. Their staff are friendly and approachable. They offer a convenient free shuttle to and from the station.

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