手打ちそば ふじ en Kawasaki

Japón手打ちそば ふじ



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1-chōme-1-4 Kaizuka, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 44-211-5446
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5262721, Longitude: 139.7029283

comentarios 5

  • Happy Traveler

    Happy Traveler


    Visited on a weekday at noon. I visited around 11:50, and there was one group waiting in front of me. I was able to enter the store after waiting for about 10 minutes. The rotation is fast, so even if there are people waiting, you won't have to wait long to get in. Sister store? branch? I've been to Takasan's Handmade Soba several times, but this is my first visit. There are so many lunch-only menus that I'm having a hard time deciding what to order. While I was waiting, I narrowed it down to two choices: burdock tempura soba and special tempori, and decided on the special tempori. When I saw the food being served, I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but the tempura included shrimp tempura, conger eel tempura (one fish), Kisu tempura, and 3x vegetable tempura, so it was very filling. We had delicious soba noodles, crispy tempura, and soba soup. I'm also interested in the curry dipping noodles, so I'd like to visit them again soon.

  • けみお



    I stopped by while I was in Kawasaki on a business trip. The taste is perfect, and the cost performance is the best for conger eel tempura soba. The tempura batter was also crispy. What I noticed is that ・It was the same menu as my companion, but the vegetables in the tempura were slightly different. (Pumpkin or sweet potato, shishito pepper or green pepper, etc.) ・The noodles were a little short, so I felt it was unsatisfying in terms of how it went down the throat.

  • K I

    K I


    Because Sunday is a regular holiday It's a pity that you can only go there during weekday holidays. Arrive before 12:00 I was able to enter the store immediately. Then one after another There was a small line outside. this day is I felt like a tuna fish... To the mountain The buckwheat noodles have a good texture. Tuna is also delicious Lunch is also good if it costs less than 1000 yen. on a paper Hand-made soba noodles It was written as a branch. also It's the same series. Hand-made soba noodles It was also delicious though The handmade soba Fuji is also delicious. I read on Tabelog that the customer service was not good, but I didn't feel that way at all.

  • きみきみき



    In the evening, I drank soba. It's a popular restaurant with about 7 tables, so if you don't have good timing, you won't be able to get in. There are many types of sake, and they go well with tempura and sashimi. Finish off with a satisfying meal of zaru soba. However, it will come at a reasonable price. Thank you for the meal.

  • 千葉住雄



    This is a soba restaurant in Kawasaki. It is located a little over 10 minutes on foot from Kawasaki Station. Although it is a little far from the station, it is a famous restaurant that is well worth the trip. Customers come in at noon on weekdays, so if you don't come before noon, you'll probably have to wait. There are a wide variety of set menus, but it's cheaper to buy a single rice bowl and a steamer rather than a large bowl of soba, and the restaurant recommends it. I ordered Oyakodon and Seiro. In conclusion, soba is authentic, fragrant, and tastes great. The oyakodon seemed to be an irregular oyakodon with hot eggs, and I was expecting a normal melty oyakodon, but it was disappointing. It was delicious, but not as good as soba. The soba noodles here are thin and the portions are small, but if you make a large serving of individual bamboo noodles, you'll end up with three layers instead of the usual two, so I think it's really filling. I don't think people go out of their way to eat soba in Kawasaki, but if you want to eat soba, this is the place to go. --- 2022/09 added This time I came to the store at night. I had a large serving of conger eel tempura soba, and it was still delicious. The soba noodles are consistently delicious. The soba noodles are made in Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido, and have a refreshing aroma that wafts through your nose. The conger eel tempura comes with vegetable tempura in addition to the conger eel, and that is also pretty good. No, I really recommend this store. It's delicious.

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