Shoji R375 bypass shop in Higashihiroshima

JapanShoji R375 bypass shop



🕗 öffnungszeiten

5-chōme-3-19 Saijōdoyomaru, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0007, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-422-5102
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4303728, Longitude: 132.7547512

kommentare 5

  • Andy Henderson

    Andy Henderson


    It's open late!

  • いくらご飯



    A supermarket in a commercial facility Vegetables are normal and meat is cheap. It's helpful that discount stickers are posted relatively early in the day.

  • R H

    R H


    If you want to find organic products in Saijo, this is the place 😄 Organic products are available not only for food but also for detergent, so it's convenient to get them without having to buy them online 🙏 Before I found out about Mr. Shoji, I used to search all over Saijo. Bit by bit, I ended up purchasing online. Plenty of seasonings too! Shoji has everything ☺️

  • gogo Tosha

    gogo Tosha


    Shoji is a supermarket located in Hiroshima. I came to Saijo due to a transfer, but I had never heard of it before, so I looked it up and found out that it is mainly located in Higashi Hiroshima. Is Every a competing store, and if there is a difference, is Every sells a limited number of products at low prices? When I used it for the first time, there was a wide variety of ingredients. There's also 100 gold inside, so it feels like you have everything you need. As someone who loves okonomiyaki, I immediately bought it as a side dish. The price is 498 yen, which is 100 yen more expensive than Every (Every is too cheap), but the taste is important. When I ate it, the taste was the same as Every, competing for No. 1 or 2, but I think this one has a little more volume. That's what it feels like. However, the cost performance of Every's okonomiyaki is amazing.

  • Maria Francis

    Maria Francis


    This supermarket offers a wide variety of food items, household products and meat.

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