Alzo Aosaki Store in Fuchu

JapanAlzo Aosaki Store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

15-51 Aosakihigashi, Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima 735-0015, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-281-7131
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3756958, Longitude: 132.5144896

kommentare 5

  • Masa mebarist

    Masa mebarist


    There is no goodness in Manso. The feeling of being on the side of the poor has disappeared. I would like the Arzo Motoura store to continue offering Kyushu side dishes. Otherwise, it's the same as the local supermarket. Please follow your own path

  • S



    The young woman at the cash register with long hair had a very bad attitude. You responded as if it was a hassle. I’m angry💢 I'm sure there are many things that make working difficult and troublesome, but please Please reconsider how you treat your customers. What do you think? I felt really bad and angry because of his obvious attitude. I often use this store The person at the cash register that I dealt with today was amazing. The response was poor.... This is the first time I've seen someone with such a bad attitude. Well, I don't want to touch that person's cash register in the future. Let me say this one last time. Please think a little more about how you respond to customers.

  • 育美岡



    In Fuchu-cho, Arzo and Manso are affiliated stores. I went with my kids, and they had a great time using the carts that you can stand on. You can add items directly to your cart, so I guess it's similar to Costco. I think the display is spacious because the cart is large 🤔 Accounting is Arzo, Banso Card, PayPay, and cash payment. Cheaper items and stock content vary slightly depending on the store, but they are often cheaper than other supermarkets. There is also a Hirogin ATM on the premises, which I think is convenient. There is a railroad crossing nearby, so my child, who loves trains, doesn't want to go back even after leaving the supermarket... (bitter smile)

  • toshi koyaku

    toshi koyaku


    When I stopped by a friend's house nearby Please use the parking lot here. I was shopping on the way home. There is also a Manso near my home. Recently, the store's name changed from Manso to Arzo. Manso prepaid card also available in February 2019. It will no longer be available. When the previously free store parking lot changed to Arzo I heard that there was a charge. But like other supermarkets If you shop, you can get free parking. I thought it was there. This is the first time since parking became chargeable on November 29th. I used Arzo (formerly Manso). There is a large sign at the entrance to the store parking lot. Please pay the parking fee in advance. Installed in the parking lot using the parking ticket system. Get your parking certificate in advance at the payment machine The system is to issue tickets. parking time You can select it in advance, but The minimum charge is 500 yen for 12 hours. when shopping in a store When I asked the clerk about the parking fee service, The store parking lot is managed by a separate company. parking fee There is no free service provided. Large supermarkets in Hiroshima city The store parking lot is like Times. Many places have coin parking, but Present your parking ticket at the cash register at any store. There is a free service for up to 2 hours. Arzo Aosaki store manages the store parking lot. It seems that it is outsourced to Asahi Park. Use the parking ticket method to get a parking ticket when parking. Where it can be seen from the car windshield Since it is a posting system, When accounting for shopping You cannot present your parking ticket. Is that why? It seems that there is no free parking service in the store parking lot. This can be found in the store search on the Manso homepage. Even when I look for information on the Arzo Aosaki store, it is not listed anywhere. Manso prepaid cards will no longer be available, After changing to Alzo, the price of the product has also increased. From now on, I don't think I will ever use Arzo Aosaki store. Added on December 10, 2020 ==== Reviews from a few months ago The parking lot at Arzo Aosaki store is now free. There was a post, so I used it when I was nearby. However, Parking remains the same Only the first 40 minutes are free. After that, there is a fee. Previously, I made a mistake and issued a parking ticket in advance. I was charged a parking fee. When I used it today, compared to before. Parking fee system Explanatory signboards were increasing. Previously, cash registers were manned, but I think it has changed recently. For Arzo cards and cash, Payment was by self-checkout. If paying with PayPay, The cashier staff will scan it. In other Manso When paying with PayPay, The customer scans the QR code There seem to be many stores that require you to enter the price, so In that respect, Arzo Aosaki store is convenient. ====

  • Danica es

    Danica es


    affordable goods😍

nächste Supermarkt

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