Yours in Fuchu




🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-5-5 Ōdōri, Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima 735-0022, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-890-6801
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.391111, Longitude: 132.5054652

kommentare 5

  • 角屋叔子



    Maybe 5/24? It has been renovated and there are some bargain items here and there. Frozen fried rice ¥398 was ¥198. Today's package contains about 13 cherry tomatoes for ¥128 (all prices excluding tax), but if you don't check carefully, some of the packs contain moldy tomatoes, so be careful.

  • 中島佳子



    I went there for the first time after the store had been beautifully renovated. I felt comfortable shopping in the bright and clean store. It's originally a small store, so even if the location of a product changes, it's easy to find out. It seems like there is less fresh food and more frozen food. . ? I'm satisfied because I can buy what I want. I'm glad that the toilet is now located on the front side and is clean.

  • アインズラスタ



    There is a stylish bakery There was also a toilet Yume Town Group had a decent selection of products. A child with a yellow Pikmin and a couple looked like they were having fun shopping. I feel relieved

  • みぃ



    I go here often I have never felt so uncomfortable with a store clerk. I had the impression that the product was a little expensive. When I went shopping this afternoon, a tall and slightly overweight store clerk (name withheld)... I had a very bad attitude and felt disgusted. Neither I nor the children were doing anything, but I was sad to see them clearly being curt and treating the next customer normally. Up until now, I have never had a bad attitude or made any complaints, but I don't know what caused it. I won't go again. The other store employees also don't have a great attitude.

  • 西川旭昭



    GOOD JOB😃⤴️⤴️

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