Shirowa Clinics i Omaezaki

JapanShirowa Clinics



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3521-10 Shirowa, Omaezaki, Shizuoka 437-1622, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 548-23-3211
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6115832, Longitude: 138.1900254

kommentar 5

  • ハイぼーる



    I had to come in for a medical examination due to surgical and skin-related symptoms. In each case, I was very grateful for your courteous response. The rehabilitation therapists are also very kind and reassuring.

  • mo no

    mo no


    Reception and telephone support It's not that they have a bad attitude, but I feel that there are many people who are not good at reception desk work. The doctor in charge was a woman who was very easy to talk to and consult with. You can leave the medicine to me! It doesn't seem to work, so I think I need to manage my medication carefully with the pharmacy.

  • P N

    P N


    It was my first visit, and I had a fever. They responded very kindly. Teachers, nurses, receptionists Everyone was so kind (^^) People with fever will be examined by car, The pharmacist brought me medicine from the pharmacy next door, and they are taking good measures against the coronavirus. It was a very nice hospital. I had a hard time finding a family doctor until now, but I would like to use this hospital from now on!

  • 理不尽なオードリー春日



    He listens to me more carefully than a poor psychosomatic physician. If you are having trouble, we recommend that you use it.

  • 敬宏松井



    Shirowa Clinic is home to family doctors who treat all illnesses, from babies to the elderly. The doctors were kind, and when my mother visited, they carefully explained things to acupuncturists like me. In a remote area like Omaezaki, medical care is not available. However, it is very helpful to have a ``family doctor'' nearby. They also put a lot of effort into preventive medicine, and I was surprised to see that cutting-edge medical care was introduced to Omaezaki. We look forward to your continued support.

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