Shiga Bank en Otsu

JapónShiga Bank



🕗 horarios

1-38 Hamamachi, Otsu, Shiga 520-0041, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 77-521-2000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0091861, Longitude: 135.866001

comentarios 5

  • K M

    K M


    I applied for a loan online, but was it really from a bank? That was the answer. I felt that the company culture was not very good. I won't write much about it, but as others have said, I won't be using it anymore.

  • ま


    When I turned down a job offer, I was called away and was told derogatory words about humanity, and I was not allowed to leave until I cried. Many years have passed since then, but I will never forget it. Of course, I understand that it took a lot of effort and money to recruit, and I feel sorry for it, but even as I look back on it now that I'm a working adult, I don't think it was an appropriate response.

  • よなおし



    I wonder if this bank, which is a local bank in Shiga Prefecture, is doing business with the residents of Shiga Prefecture in mind. There is an old saying, ``Sampo Yoshi,'' but among the ``seller,'' ``buyer,'' and ``the public,'' Shiga Bank seems to be only pursuing the interests of the ``seller.'' Currently, other banks and other financial institutions are desperately trying to improve their services and convenience in order to increase and retain customers, but this bank does not seem to be making any such efforts. yeah. The most important business of local banks is to collect deposits from customers and lend money to promising businesses and individuals. I seriously doubt whether Shiga Bank is seriously thinking about and carrying out this basic task. It is expected that the main business of each bank will be difficult due to low interest rates and population decline, but Shiga Bank is resting on its existing customer base (I don't think it can rest on its laurels) and is trying to earn easy fees. I think there are. The early abolition of tax reserve deposits and the uneducated and arrogant attitude of bank employees are outrageous. As long as it's stingy). I have been using this bank because it is a hassle to change transactions with my existing account, but I think the time has come.

  • マンママ



    Everything was horrible! ! This is my first time at a bank like this! ! I tried applying for Direct over and over again on my phone and computer at home, but I kept getting errors and eventually gave up! 90th anniversary? ! If you have time to fish for exotic species in Lake Biwa for PR purposes, I would like you to work hard to improve the system and services, and truly contribute to the local community as a representative of Shiga! ! It was a real disappointment.

  • Mandoo Papa

    Mandoo Papa


    Why does it take so long to create an account? He's using a tablet to show off his digital tics, but it's just for show. In addition, the screen was very difficult to see due to the reflection from the ceiling light. A veteran who stays inside even though he is irritated by having to wait so long? Even when the employees made eye contact, they remained expressionless and all they could do was laugh. I haven't kept up with the times at all, but I can feel it in places like this. Well, I can't expect any improvement from what I've written here, but I'm sure all the bank staff are doing the same, but for those who are going there for the first time, please use it as a reference!

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