Resona Bank Kyoto Branch en Kyoto

JapónResona Bank Kyoto Branch



🕗 horarios

691 Takannachō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8153, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-221-1141
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0045216, Longitude: 135.7599097

comentarios 5

  • hiroko



    The insensitivity to say "Please wait for an hour and a half" without any hesitation, and the way the bank staff spoke to other customers while looking down on them...I can only think of them as arrogant.

  • DOLL‐Iee Aa

    DOLL‐Iee Aa


    It can also be used with a Kansai Mirai Bank account, but after completing the tax payment procedure for withdrawals from the Kansai Mirai account, another bank employee came out and said something like, ``Don't come with your Kansai Mirai passbook.'' They don't say anything when paying cash, and the other bank employees and guides are kind and polite, but that's the only thing that makes me uncomfortable.

  • Eugénie Nadji

    Eugénie Nadji


    The staff were rude. The staff insinuated that me and my husband were lying. They will find any excuse not to allow us to open an account with this bank. I was accused of not having my old residence card (it's no longer valid, so it's useless to bring it with me). They probably didn't want to open an account for a foreigner, especially one who is married to a Japanese person and has a long-term visa. It's close to racism.

  • くまもん



    When I went to the branch near my workplace to apply for an account, I was told that I should open one at a branch near my home and was refused. It was a waste of time to take time off from work even though I was busy. When I checked the Resona Bank website after returning home, it said that I could open an account at a branch near my workplace or home. I received information that was different from what was stated on the website.

  • グリーンルーム



    After the coronavirus, there were no reservations, and I was told that I needed to make a reservation at the counter even though there was no information on the postcard.I tried to confirm the reservation by phone for another matter, but they didn't know about the service, so I just kept confirming it even though I was trying to explain it.It was a lot of waste.

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