Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation - Kyoto Branch en Kyoto

JapónSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation - Kyoto Branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒600-8008 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Naginatabokochō, 8 京都三井ビル 内
contactos teléfono: +81 570-043-195
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.004071, Longitude: 135.7601693

comentarios 5

  • 鮎の塩焼き



    This is a Mitsui Bank building designed by Teiji Suzuki and built in 1914. The entrance and part of the foundation have been partially preserved. It has been preserved in a manner similar to the Mitsubishi building across the street, but the Mitsui building has partially reused old building materials. I think it would be good to compare them to see how they are different. Although it is clearly classicist, the simplification of decoration makes it secessional. Teiji Suzuki was an architect active in Nagoya.

  • Perry Tramontozzi

    Perry Tramontozzi


    Horrible service. When you enter the bank, you get in line and wait for a while. then an old man asks you what you need, then tells a woman at the waiting counter what you need, then they tell you to wait. Then when you finally get to the service counter the woman at the waiting counter tells the staff what you need. I could just take a number, wait, and tell the service counter staff what I need myself. Too much unnecessary staff working that can't do anything but ask you what you need. Could just hire more counter staff instead. An appalling level of Inefficiency for 2023. Also the ATM machines are horribly outdated. If you need to go in this branch for any reason, be prepared to wait a very long time. Bank closes at 3, before most people have finished work, and is closed on the weekend. So good luck getting into the bank at all if you have a job. Maybe they assume everyone in Kyoto is an obachan? Or maybe they expect you take off work if you need to go to the bank for any reason.

  • rakesh kumar sinha (neoRAKESH)

    rakesh kumar sinha (neoRAKESH)


    Good building and the architecture is good

  • Rana Ji

    Rana Ji


    I went to SMBC Bank Karasuma yesterday with my friend. My friend had to open a new account but we did not know good Japanese, people working at the counter supported us on English form but refused to open the account as soon as we go in Because we do not know Japanese, but the girl's manner of talking was not good at all.

  • Isanka Wijerathne

    Isanka Wijerathne


    Service is good as other japanese banks. Only issue for foreigners is language. most of them(Staff) do not speak English. You should have a friend or someone to translate and fill the applications for you.

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