Shibata Dental Clinic in Makinohara

JapanShibata Dental Clinic



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2841-4 Shizunami, Makinohara, Shizuoka 421-0422, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 548-22-1404
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.734755, Longitude: 138.220189

kommentare 5

  • Hoàng Thiện Thanh Minh

    Hoàng Thiện Thanh Minh


    Shizutetsu Just Line, Limited Express Shizuoka Sagara Line, get off at Shizunami Kaigan Iriguchi, 8 minutes walk Shizutetsu Just Line, Fujieda Sagara Line, get off at Shizunami 4-chome, 5 minutes walk Shizutetsu Just Line, Hatsukura Line, get off at Shizunami 4-chome, 5 minutes walk Zutetsu Just Line Katsumata Line Get off at Shizunami 4-chome and walk 5 minutes

  • Hiro Mark

    Hiro Mark


    The male dentist continued to speak privately with the dental assistant during treatment. At that time, there was no special explanation of the treatment process, and I felt it was nonsense. It's a shame because the female dentist is very polite.

  • jiwejfhehvsvsbev kisjehdvevvsie

    jiwejfhehvsvsbev kisjehdvevvsie


    It hurt to death. . There are two doctors who seem to have a lot of experience. I have completely recovered.

  • madeleine



    It's long and has a calm interior, and the garden and windows that can be seen from the examination table are beautiful, allowing for thorough examinations. However, it is also a clinic where even family members and acquaintances sometimes have extreme preferences or opinions about the clinic. So, even if you ask people, you might get a completely opposite opinion. The reason is that there are two experienced doctors, one male and one female, and I cannot choose one. The woman is calm and agile, and explains things clearly and in a soft voice. Please answer all questions carefully. Men are not like that when it comes to children; they are kind and bright, and are probably easy-going at heart, but the way they use words and talk to adults is curt or careless, giving them a rather unique atmosphere. is. If you are okay with this, I would recommend it because the medical treatment will be very helpful for you personally and will be able to respond as much as possible in case of an emergency. Reservations are required, including initial consultations. It's often crowded, so there's no doubt that it's a trusted clinic.

  • かいkuromi・198



    I had him see me while I was pregnant, and he treated me to the best of his ability while caring for the safety of the mother and fetus. I had a hard time going to the dentist because I don't like it when I'm pregnant, but he was very kind and treated me while I consulted with him, so it was great.

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