Maruyama Dental Clinic in Yaizu

JapanMaruyama Dental Clinic



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1061-1 Aikawa, Yaizu, Shizuoka 421-0216, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-662-0120
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8068716, Longitude: 138.2643838

kommentare 5

  • あ


    Everyone is really kind, which is great. I used to go there a long time ago, and things are even better than they used to be.There are many people who are good at treatment, but only one person shaved so much that I thought it was too much.It was very sad, but everything else is perfect.

  • sepia3634



    Thank you for your help in cleaning for a long time. It depends on the person, but I think basically anyone can do it carefully.

  • 通りすがりの男



    We have been working with you for over 10 years. Everyone, including the director, is very polite and considerate. The only drawback is that it is difficult to get reservations as it is very popular.

  • GAOライオン



    I did a lot of research and saw a lot of good reviews, so I went there, but I had doubts about my skills. There are many elderly people who have been coming here for a long time. The nurses were efficient and did a great job. I'm glad that things are going well and that the treatment plan that the nurse created gave me a good idea of ​​what to expect in the future. They also included the price of the teeth and what they wanted to do here. There aren't many other places that will make it for you, unless it's a very expensive clinic. The teacher is probably the director there. He was a very grandpa teacher. I went there to treat a cavity, but since it was a back tooth, it had been ground down a lot and the filling wasn't done well, so I didn't realize it and ended up with a severe cavity and nerve damage. Some teeth had to be extracted. Anesthesia is extremely painful! It was scraped and it hurt a lot. What about your arms? I thought it was a question. . I'm still fighting the pain. It's sad that my healthy teeth would never have died if the treatment had been normal.

  • 玲さん



    The reception staff are also friendly and smiling. Before treatment, we will explain a lot of things to you, such as where to treat and how long it will take, so that you are satisfied with the treatment. The doctor who treated me was very polite and this is a very nice dental clinic.

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