Sanai Dental Clinic in Hamamatsu

JapanSanai Dental Clinic


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2-chōme-7-27 Minamiasada, 中区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8044, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-442-8200
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.688174, Longitude: 137.7304623

kommentare 5

  • doku ringo

    doku ringo


    Even when removing tartar, I have to do it several times. The female doctor was gone, and the old doctor wearing glasses always had a strong smell of cigarettes coming from his fingers, even through his gloves. Treatment is also rough, with sharp instruments repeatedly hitting the patient's tongue and lips. Half of the receptionists were nice, but half of them were so rude that I had to transfer to another hospital.

  • koko Momo

    koko Momo


    I went to the hospital nearly 9 years ago, and about 2 years later, I was treated by a female doctor who put a silver tooth over my tooth even though the cavities had not been completely removed, resulting in the worst possible outcome with pus at the root. . My husband also had a tooth extracted that didn't need to be extracted, so he had to have partial dentures. The treatment was bloody and the gums were protruding, so I can't recommend it. I think the doctor has changed by now, but it was the worst treatment and experience. The other doctor was very thorough and the treatment was very good, so I think it's a hit or miss.

  • 伊藤清隆



    Since Dr. Mizutani left, the atmosphere in the clinic has changed, and I'm wondering if I should replace him with another dentist.

  • 幸治平野



    I had two wisdom teeth extracted. There was almost no pain and the treatment was very good. There were a lot of negative comments, so I wonder if some people are like that?

  • air 328

    air 328


    The attitude of the receptionist is quite bad. The skill and response of the dental assistant is not good. I will never go again.

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