生鮮市場バリューリンク川崎店 en Kawasaki




🕗 horarios

1110-1 Tabara, Kawasaki, Tagawa District, Fukuoka 827-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 947-72-7677
sitio web: market-link.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.60718, Longitude: 130.81014

comentarios 5

  • 筑豊・ ・31

    筑豊・ ・31


    I keep good things It was fresh. The clerk was also efficient.

  • muRA



    General food items are modest, but there is a wide selection of meat, fresh fish, and bento side dishes. In particular, there is a wide selection of meat parts, and customer satisfaction is high. I don't think there are so many in urban areas.

  • S S (S.S)

    S S (S.S)


    This is the store I often take my grandmother to. The prices are not cheap compared to large supermarkets such as Lumi○, but I think it is convenient if you are shopping for a small amount because the selection is not bad. I especially appreciate it when the store staff helps pack the bags for me.

  • 生野雅丈



    A great store these days where you can put your purchased items in your own bag at the register😄

  • Jim Carroll

    Jim Carroll


    The butcher near the entrance, ``Niku no Sanshuya''? There are two employees in black uniforms with lots of dandruff. Too unsanitary. Twice before, the meat I had purchased from this butcher was starting to rot. Because of this, I now only buy it at the butcher shop in the back. It's a shame because there are other fruit and vegetable and delicatessen shops and fish shops, and the prices and customer service are very good. The filthy store and staff of Sanshuya Meat are a deadly risk.

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