スーパー川食 食彩館 赤池店 en Fukuchi

Japónスーパー川食 食彩館 赤池店



🕗 horarios

931-18 Akaike, Fukuchi, Tagawa District, Fukuoka 822-1101, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 947-28-3446
sitio web: www.kawashoku.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.69559, Longitude: 130.767191

comentarios 5

  • 塚本清美



    Lately, the sashimi seems to be different, has the chef changed?

  • 太郎金隈



    [202403] Available only during Obon and Higan. It's helpful because you can get everything you need at a low price.

  • ゆめつくし



    I think the side dish shop is good. Although the prices are not comparable to other nearby supermarkets, the selection of vegetables and other items is not bad.

  • さんおt(サブ垢)



    There's a Nishi Bank ATM next door, and there's a cleaning shop with a flat rate of 100 yen? , a haircut shop, and a coin laundry are all located in the same parking lot, making it very convenient. They have a good selection of river foods, so I use them often. There are 7-Eleven, drugstore Cosmos, etc. nearby.

  • 海物語



    Sashimi from the expiration date is sold at the regular price without any discount. When I told the store clerk, a bald man, he said he couldn't help because there was no fishmonger.

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