Coop Amagi en Asakura

JapónCoop Amagi



🕗 horarios

301-2 Amagi, Asakura, Fukuoka 838-0068, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 946-21-5555
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4121869, Longitude: 130.6568923

comentarios 5

  • 小島伸一



    I used it often when my children were small. You can tell that they value the quality of milk, ketchup, mayonnaise, meat, etc.

  • 佐田亜由美



    This is a Green Coop Co-op store. The pork is especially delicious. There are also products and side dishes that can only be purchased at the store.

  • 吉瀬園芸



    Even if you go to a regular supermarket, you'll find products that use additives and genetically modified ingredients that you want to avoid, so just checking the ingredient list can be a pain, but here you can shop with confidence. I buy a lot of things in addition to my weekly orders and when I go to pick them up.

  • あまぎのまっちゃん



    Kind staff I like both the vegetables and meat, they are delicious. I heard that you can try shopping even if you are not a union member.

  • マクフライジョージ



    This is one of the stores in Green Coop with easy parking.

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