焼肉 萬輝 w Sakai

Japonia焼肉 萬輝



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-2-5 Mozuumemachi, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8032, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-257-5358
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.5548544, Longitude: 135.4989522

komentarze 5

  • gigappy



    I used it for lunch and made a reservation with Hot Pepper in advance. As you can see from the reviews, the lunch menu is good value for money, so on this day, people started lining up even before the restaurant opened. I ordered a special set meal and cold noodles. The set meal comes with a large serving of rice, so I ordered it as a meal. I saw some reviews saying it was too fatty, but it was just right for me. Meat won't be delicious without fat! The meat was tender, flavorful and delicious. The cold noodles have a light texture that is not too heavy to eat as an additional meal. It's a healthy looking noodle. Close to Nakamozu Station, easy to use 👍

  • 中西徹



    I was curious because I heard it was delicious, but this was my first visit for lunch. I visited after 1pm on a weekday, so the seats were empty. Lunch is offered at a fairly reasonable price, so it may be unavoidable, but I feel like the other end is being left behind. I can't say I'm proactive, but if the timing is right, I would like to get revenge for dinner.

  • fu fu

    fu fu


    I had lunch there several times and had a good impression of it. It was my first time having dinner there, but no matter what I ate, the meat had a strong flavor and was delicious. When I eat yakiniku, I always order yukhoe, which is usually thinly sliced ​​meat, but the yukhoe here is cut into strips about 7mm wide, and it's very filling, so I'd say it's the best here. It was delicious. I order by tablet, and it was served quickly and I was able to eat it in a timely manner. My companions complained about the meat, but they said the kimchi was delicious and the rice was delicious. I felt satisfied for the first time in a while. Just under 13,000 yen for two people. Please come again.

  • あとぅ



    A popular yakiniku restaurant located right in the middle of Nakamozu and Mozu Hachiman. It's always full at lunch time. The daily lunch seems to be prepared in advance due to the speed at which it is served. It comes with 3 types of meat, cabbage, kimchi, soup, radish salad, and rice. Refills of rice will be charged separately, but you can get a large serving for free, so if you eat a lot, you can get a large serving, but it's still a decent amount. I think it's a bargain for a daily yakiniku set meal of 800 yen with such a huge amount. However, direct customers are not that good.

  • Ovenmitt



    Great meat👍🏻 and reasonable 👍🏻

najbliższy Restauracja

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